Digital Marketing Tips, Tricks & Guides

How to reach more people for your business with Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are a great way to promote your business to specific people by choosing how much you want to spend on doing so.  However, If you don’t do it correctly you could end up wasting your time and money trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Here at SCM Marketing Solutions we […]

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Your website is the key to business success

Every business owner today understands they need to have a website in today’s digital-driven world, but few understand the importance and power that your website holds for your business. A website is more than just telling your clients what products and services you provide… It’s a way to show your customers who you are as […]

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How a marketing agency can help your business in 2022

If you are a business owner that doesn’t employ a full-time marketing division in your company or work with a marketing agency it means two things. Either you are working too many jobs and your digital marketing for your business is suffering or not doing as well as you hope or you do little to […]

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Why SEO will help your business in 2022

Believe it or not, we are still in the early stages of digital marketing for businesses. Very few businesses had the knowledge and the budget to pour into their digital marketing back a while ago, and even now businesses still struggle with keeping up with all the changes. But there is one digital marketing service […]

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What Social Media Platforms Should Your Business be on

We get this question a lot from our clients and even from potential clients that want to know how to step up their digital marketing and the short answer. AS MANY AS POSSIBLE!!! Now we understand that running all your social media platforms is very difficult and time-consuming, especially in the beginning, and growing your […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Hire a “Cheap” Web Developer

The best way to set your business up for failure is by buying a cheap web developer and marketing service. Not only will this end up costing you more money but it will also ruin your SEO progress.  In today’s digital world the most important thing for your business is your website. It is the […]

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3 Ways to Boost Your Website’s SEO

Every company wants to be seen more on the internet but very few take the correct steps in order to do so. Building your digital marketing and SEO presence takes time, I’m talking months to years to perfect it, but very few people want to wait that long. That being said, you can still do […]

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How a Digital Marketing Agency Can Save You Time and Money

It’s 2021 a new social media platform came out, Google changed its algorithm… again, the marketing plan you came up with isn’t working, and you’re stuck trying to do 10 different jobs while running your business. This is typically how our clients feel when trying to do everything on their own for their business but […]

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The Secret of YouTube and the Importance of it for Your Business

Since the time that YouTube has come out, it has grown to be one of the most important social media platforms in the world. YouTube has been around since 2005 and from that time it has managed to stay on top the longest and still continues to grow while other platforms fall behind.  What is […]

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