2019 SEO Trends to Watch For
As with anything in technology, each new year brings changes and updates and this year’s SEO trends are no different. Here are some of the most significant changes you will need to become familiar with if you do not want to get left behind in the SEO dust of 2019.
1. SEO Trends – Internet security
Internet security is being stepped up in a significant way all around the world. Governments are getting involved, yeah it’s that serious! Just look at the European Union and their rollout of the General Data Protection Regulation, which is placing all kinds of restrictions on companies regarding how they use their citizen’s data. When it relates to SEO trends, these new laws change the way you can interact with your target customers in those protected countries. Business will now need to adjust their SEO strategies to comply with these new laws while at the same time ensuring that they are still just as easily searchable to the people they are trying to reach.
2. SEO Trends – Mobile
Mobile, mobile, mobile, the future is mobile. If your SEO is not mobile friendly, it is just not going to cut it in 2019. As early as last year Google has rolled out their mobile first indexing which is giving priority to sites that are easy to navigate from a mobile device. Considering that a majority of browsing is done from mobile devices these days, this prioritization makes a lot of sense. The large shift to mobile devices has become so significant in the past few years to the point where many online retailers can attest to a majority of their sales coming from mobile devices. If your campaigns are not mobile friendly at this point, they need to be! If your website is not mobile friendly, you need a digital marketing agency.
3. SEO Trends – Voice search
Historically a hallmark of good SEO work is figuring out the way that people are searching for what they are looking for. In the past, this used to mean phraseology and the way people would type their search. If you could figure out how people would type that initial search you wanted to garner their attention, you were off to a great start. Not anymore, with the rise of the assistants like Alexa and the Google Assistant an increasing amount of internet searches are being performed through voice commands. Experts are forecasting that by 2020 more than 50% of searches will be conducted by these assistants. What all marketers used to think was a great way to get a head start on figuring out what people are searching for is going to begin to turn on its head. Now the majority of searches will be done through these assistants who are responding to the spoken word queries of the searcher themselves, and this is going to be a game changer.
If you have any questions on the above SEO trends, contact SCM Marketing Solutions. We are a digital marketing agency that has helps customers with SEO, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Lead Generation, Website Design and more. When you are looking to get real results from your digital marketing campaigns, call SCM Marketing Solutions today at 920-788-6600 to find out how we can keep you ahead of the competition!